When the Ministry of Education wanted to standardize secondary schools’ matriculation exams in Serbia, they needed a dynamic and attractive website to communicate the reform. The company they hired reached out to me.

My task was to devise a portal able to serve a wide range of audiences – from mobile-first primary school students to traditionally-minded members of national education bodies, and everyone in between.

The added challenge was the lenghty approval process, plagued by multiple, often opposed levels.


I insisted on a highly transparent process and had decision-makers voting at every juncture, as a way to build their sense of ownership.

Once they approved a clear & logical website structure, I laboured to write very simple copy, made of short sentences that even kids could understand. A glossary took care of unfamiliar terms.

After the site was published, I advocated for launching official pages on Social Media, to help promote the site.

As proof of concept, I wrote and illustrated an e-book about Social Media, recommending specific channels and publishing rules. Both the proposed design and the demo editorial were soon approved by the Ministry team.


In a precedent for public administration, I have been able to publish the content for the site and for Social Media pages with carte blanche, as pre-approved. The website in particular is often praised by various users and groups.

BOTTOM LINE: Both the site and the pages have experienced constant growth.

CLIENT: Ministry of Education, Science & Technological Development of Serbia

OUTPUT: Website & official Social Media pages (Facebook, LinkedIn)

TIME FRAME: 2019-2021