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10 facts about my work
Here are key facts to know about the work I’ve done:
I started working in Communications at 16, as a Public Radio co-host of a weekly show for youth, in 1977; the following summer, I got some regular daily shifts and earned my first fee as a pro
I earned my M.A. in Writing (Dramaturgy) as the top student of my generation, from the FDU School of Drama (Writing for Theatre, Film, Radio & TV) at the Arts University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1980 – 1985
As a Junior Copywriter, I was part of the team that won several national Copywriting awards, at what is today the Golden Drum International Festival of Creativity, in Portoroz, Slovenia, 1985 – 1988
I worked for Nebojsa Djukelic, Dragan Sakan, and Dusan Makavejev (key names of Yugoslav TV, Marketing and Film, respectively) 1983 – 1992
I have been professionally active in Digital Communications since 1986, when I bought my first PC (an Amstrad, with 512K of RAM and an 8MB HD)
I devised a PR campaign against Slobodan Milosevic, “All the President’s Babies”, which was carried by all the major international and national news media, in 1992; that gutsy gauntlet dented his iron grip on power and sent Milosevic to a precipitous “vacation” in neighbouring Greece; upon his return, his regime’s first black list of media professionals started with my name as “those traitors’ leader”; I went into exile with my husband and our young son
I joined Women in Film & TV – Toronto, in 1998, and the Professional Writers Association of Canada, in 2000
I pioneered live (synchronous) e-learning and hosted open live webinars every month, 2008-2011
I helped edit Guy Kawasaki’s book, “Wise Guy”, as one of its beta readers, in 2018
In recent years, I was quoted in several Pew Research Center and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center’s reports on Internet, science and technology, namely:
Photo from my student days, by Dobrivoje IlicHosting a live webinar in 2010.Pioneering remote learningEditing process on Guy Kawasaki’s book “Wise Guy”Guy Kawasaki’s hand-written note on the copy of his book I helped edit